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Special density model for layers of quantum dots: In dot layers the density of states depends first on the electronic structure of the individual dots and second on the density and thickness of the layer. This command should emulate a dot layer with dots of a certain energy distribution due to a natural size fluctuation of the dots.

1D-only !!!

The density is calculated by summing over all eigenstates with an artificial line-broadening of gaussian shape. The line width sigmaj (cb-width-eigenvalues)has to be provided by the user as well as the degeneracy alphaj (cb-degeneracy-eigenvalues). To determine the charge density one also needs the density of quantum dots within the layer NQD (sheet-density) and the thickness of the layer dQD (sheet-width)

$quantum-dot-layer-density                               optional !
 density-number                           integer        required !
 quantum-region                           integer        optional !
 model-active                             character      optional !
 use-bound-states                         character      optional !
 sheet-density                            double         optional !
 sheet-width                              double         optional !

 cb-set-number                            integer        optional !
 cb-number-of-eigenvalues                 integer        optional !
 cb-eigenvalues                           double_array   optional !
 cb-width-eigenvalues                     double_array   optional !
 cb-degeneracy-eigenvalues                integer_array  optional !
 cb-occupy-levels                         integer_array  optional !

 vb-set-number                            integer        optional !
 vb-number-of-eigenvalues                 integer        optional !
 vb-eigenvalues                           double_array   optional !
 vb-width-eigenvalues                     double_array   optional !
 vb-degeneracy-eigenvalues                integer_array  optional !
 vb-occupy-levels                         integer_array  optional !
$end_quantum-dot-layer-density                           optional !


density-number = 1

Sequencial numbering for several dot layers


quantum-region = 1

A quantum dot layer is always located in a quantum region, therefore the number of this region has to specified.


model-active = yes / no

Flag whether this dot-layer-density is active or not.


use-bound-states = yes / no

Flag whether to use quantum states from calculation or user specified ones.

use-bound-states = yes :
Bound states which are specified by the command $quantum-bound-states are used for energy levels and density distribution in the z-direction.

use-bound-states = no
No calculated eigenvalues are used, but user specified eigenvalues.


sheet-density = 1d10   ! [1/cm^2]

Number of dots per cm²    (typically 1*1010 - 1*1011, i.e. (1d10 - 1d11)


sheet-width = 5d0    ! [l0]

Width of dot-layer in units of [l0], i.e. [nm].


cb-set-number = 1

Number of electron bound states set specified by command $quantum-bound-states used for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions only necessary if use-bound-states = yes


cb-number-of-eigenvalues = 2

Number of eigenvalues for electrons in quantum dot.


cb-eigenvalues = 0.1d0 0.3d0 ! [eV]

Only if use-bound-states = no.
Energies of eigenstates have to provided in units of [eV].


cb-width-eigenvalues = 0.001d0   0.002d0 ! [eV]

Due to size fluctuations of the quantum dots the eigenvalues have a gaussian line shape with a width provided by the user in units of [eV].


cb-degeneracy-eigenvalues = 2 4

Determines the degeneracy of the eigenvalues.


cb-occupy-levels =  1
=  0
= -1

Special cheat mode for occupation of levels:

 1: level always occupied
 0: level occupied with Fermi distribution and local quasi-Fermi level
-1: level always unoccupied


Same for valence band:
